Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Truth Project

Thanks to all who were able to show up and participate in our first tour of The Truth Project. Great material asking us to answer the question - What is truth?

Jesus said many profound things about truth and said that He came to earth to testify to the truth. I connected with the statement that every truth claim from God is backed up by God's nature. God is truth. God is love. God is ...

Truth is out there and can be found by us in a growing relationship with God.

Truth is reality from God's perspective. Do we live by God's perspective of the world or our own?

Next week we'll dive into tour 2 at 6:30 PM. Hope to see as many from the launch team there as possible!

Thanks as always to the growing number of people who are becoming epic and making epic church possible! You all are amazing! It's a privilege getting to know you!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day dads! Missing my dad this father's day weekend!

My dad crossed the finish line of this life and the starting line of eternity almost 7 years ago. He was an amazing man who dedicated his life to living for God! He walked away from the potential to make lots of money and instead followed this crazy leading to be a missionary.

A passion grew in his heart to tell people about Jesus full-time. All of my life I've watched him choose God over possessions, God over money and God over everything.

Dad, thanks for the example you modeled for me! Still feel like I need you here to help guide me in how to follow God closely! I especially feel the need for your presence with the start of epic church! Sure could use your wisdom and encouragement!

God, thanks for always being with me and always guiding me in the best way to live! I cannot live without You! You will always guide me in the best way to lead epic! I'm dependent on You!

Dads, live the life before your family! Be the father, husband and man God has designed you to become! We have only one chance to lead our families and ourselves well! Live the life, run the race, leave a legacy!

Happy Father's Day dads!

Monday, June 15, 2009

14 weeks till launch!

Time seems to be speeding up as we get closer to September 2o, 2009! Last September it felt like we'd never get to this September. Now, it feels like September will be here before I'm ready!

Many exciting things happening in the epic world! Money being raised, worship leaders being sought after, teams being built, websites being developed, ...

Still much to do in our remaining 14 weeks but our God is faithful and He will help us accomplish what needs to be done! Stay connected with our Creator and all will go as He plans!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

More of Him!

Another great epic launch team meeting last night! Thanks to all who are sacrificing so much to advance God's kingdom in Flagler County!

It truly is an honor to be teaming with you all!

We are approaching 14 weeks till launch! Much to do!

As we continue to move forward let's remember a few things:

1) Life is about glorifying God and not ourselves;
2) Unity is one of the most important parts of living the Christian life;
3) We are all uniquely made to fit perfectly together as the body of Christ!

Again, as John says in John 3:30 - there must be more and more of Him and less and less of me!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

6-9-09 Tammy Update

Tammy started her IV treatments today for Lymes disease. Today begins her journey of doing IV therapy everyday for 6 weeks. After 4 weeks, we'll see her Dr to reevaluate her progress and decide how to proceed.

The IV treatment tired her out but no reactions so far to the meds! Praise God! Thanks for the prayers!

Monday, June 8, 2009

6-8-09 Tammy Update

Today Tammy had a picc line put in. Tomorrow she starts Lyme Disease treatment by IV antibiotics. We'll go to Halifax Medical in Daytona Beach everyday (including weekends) for 6 weeks to 6 months worth of treatments.

Tammy's Dr told us if it is Lyme Disease she should start feeling somewhat better within the first 4 weeks or so. If the treatment doesn't help her to feel better, then he thinks she probably has A.S. (ankylosing spondylitis) instead of Lymes.

We truly believe it is Lyme Disease due to her symptoms but only God knows what we are dealing with! Pray with us for God's healing regardless of what Tammy may have!

Thx for the prayers, support and encouragement!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Adventure of Life

Saw the movie "UP" today with the kids. Made me wonder if we are engaging the adventure of life or just sitting on the sidelines watching life go by!

So often life seems like one boring movie that we can't wait to be over. Could it be that the adventure we've longed for is right in front of us waiting to be engaged? Could it be that we've allowed ourselves to be deceived into believing that there is nothing greater in life to live for?

What do we have to lose if we engage life with God to the fullest, other than boredom? We have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Everyday an adventure in the story of God awaits us! Today is filled with good battling evil, danger lurking around every corner, and heroic deeds waiting to be done!

So, what are we waiting for? The invitation has already been given! Engage the story - join the epic adventure! You'll never regret it - for all of eternity!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tammy's Medical Update 6-4-09

We met with Tammy's new Dr yesterday for the latest summary in our over 2 year medical journey. Dr. Warner believes we are down to 2 options with Tammy's poor health:

1) ankylosing spondylitis (AS) OR
2) lymes disease

AS is a condition that slowly fuses the spine / ribs together over time. No cure for this just management of symptoms / pain.

Lymes is a tick born disease that in its chronic stage can be very debilitating.

Tammy has considerable arthritis in her hips which indicates AS or lymes. We've decided to start a lymes treatment to see if she starts getting better. On Monday she goes in to get a pic line put in and then should start treatment Monday or Tuesday. Treatment will involve going to Halifax Medical Center everyday for an infusion of powerful IV antibiotics. They will watch Tammy for reaction to the meds, infection in the pic line and blood clots.

If she starts getting better within a month or so then we know it is lymes disease. If she does not get better then it points towards AS.

Thanks for your prayers on the medical journey! It's been a long road and we're ready for an end but we know God is in charge of Tammy's healing and will heal her however and whenever He sees fit! Thanks for trusting God with us for Tammy's healing!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

16 weeks and counting

Sunday marked 16 weeks till the launch of epic church! Thanks to everyone who showed up for our epic vision night on Sunday! We had over 90 people in attendance!

We added 26 people to our epic launch team! We're now up to 42 people and closing in on our goal of at least 50 people by launch day! Some people are still praying about where God might want them to serve and will be added to our team in the near future.

Wed night (June 3) at 7:30 PM we'll be meeting at the Flagler County Realty Association Building located at 4101 East Moody Blvd, Bunnell, FL 32110. If going south on Belle Terre Parkway, turn right at SR 100 and the building will be on your left hand side after Marvin Gardens business complex. You'll have to do a u-turn after you pass the Realty Association Building.

Looking forward to all who can attend and help us launch epic!